2. Many rats love to swim. (If you are going to see if your rat likes swimming, do it in a bucket, inside, keeping a close eye on your rat and only filling the bucket with 2 - 3 inches of warm water.)
3. You can train your rat tricks. To learn how see my article, "How to train rats tricks."
4. Another thing most people don't know is that you can potty train your rat. To learn how see my article, "Potty Training Your Rat"
5. Rats produce a red pigment in their eyes called porphyrin. A large amount of porphyrin can be a sign of sickness or stress. Though, the interesting thing about porphryin is they bind metals.
6. Rats are such good climbers they are incapable of climbing a brick wall.
7. Seeing is a problem for rats. The first foot or so, they see clear, while the next 3 - 5 feet they see burly.
8. How do rats get around if they can't see well? Rats actually use their whiskers, their ultrasonic ears, and their super good noses.
9. In San diego, every year a national rat competition is held, where rats are tested on agility, swimming, standards of the rats (how they're built and how well their coat is.) And other stuff.
10. What are rat tails for? One thing they use their tail for is to balance. For example when you're holding rat and its on your shoulder, you may notice that when your rat is trying to move around or go on your other shoulder it will sometimes wrap its tail around your neck or face for balance. More importantly, when your rat starts to overheat, its blood circulation will increase to its tail, thus letting heat leave the rats tail and directly into the environment.
Sorry that's all ten,
Rat Man