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Thursday, September 4, 2008

10 Ways to Be Green With Your Rat

For a long time now people have been talking about being green and have been being green (Eco friendly). Some people are even starting to call this generation were in now the, "Green Generation". So I put together a chart of 10 easy ways to be green with your rat.

1. Using paper towels made from recycled paper when cleaning your rat's cage.

2. One of the easiest to do is to use paper shreds from your shredder for litter in the litter box. (If you're not sure if you have a shredder ask your parents, I'm sure you have one.) If you don't have a litter box, I wouldn't recommend it for the bedding you use for the rest of the cage, instead put a little in the cage instead of hey. (the shreds keep them very warm)

3. When you're eating fruits or vegetables, don't throw away the extra, give a little to your rats. But make sure you don't give some to your rats if you added sugar. Or cut off a piece of an apple your eating for your rats. (see "Foods to Avoid)

4. Instead of buying chew blocks, give your rats the middle giant seed in the middle of fruits such as plums, nectarines, and peaches. Rats love them!

5. Plant a garden. Pear tomatoes are full of vitamin C, which helps heal cuts, and are super easy to grow. So are regular and grape tomatoes. And rats love them.

6. Save boxes (tissue boxes from non - toxic items). Rats love to play and sleep in them.

7. For hammocks use an old t-shirt or a knee sock. Tie them to the bars of the cage and you have a hammock.

8. When you're emptying your rat's cage into the trash, instead of putting it in the trash, empty the soiled litter, with waste, in the green waste. The old bedding and waste (even paper shreds) will be made into fertilizer.

9. If you decide to build a maze for your rats, you don't have to buy wood, or a parrot ladder, you can use house held items such as rulers and books.

10. Save toilet paper rolls, rats love to play in them and sleep in them. If your rat is to big for toilet paper rolls, sometimes gift wrap will have wider tubes.
If you don't think rats are necessarily the pet you are looking for, but want a pet similar to a rat, I would look into a chinchilla. This link is great for the history of chinchillas, and is really interesting.

Have any questions or comments? Email me at ratmanbv@gmail.com
