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Monday, May 26, 2008

Foods to Avoid!

Not everything that is healthy to humans is healthy to rats. Below are some foods to avoid because they will make your rat sick, even cause death - if you give them to much-, or if you
give it to them when they're old, but that rarely happens.

Green parts of potatoes, potato "eyes" - they contain solanine, a poisonous substance.

Onions - contain substances that may cause blood problems.

Cooked or processed foods - may be deficient in vitamins or may contain food additives and preservatives.

Chocolate - Contains a methylxanthine called theobromine, a substance similar to caffeine and toxic to some animals, also high in sugar content.

Candy - High in sugar content, may cause chocking, can lead to obesity

Unwashed vegetables - May contain traces of harmful chemicals or pesticides

Some peanuts - May be contaminated with aflatoxins, a poison. They are also fatty, and in excess can lead to lethargy and obesity.

Lettuce - Causes diarrhea and some contain laudanum, a toxic substance. Iceberg lettuce has little nutritional value and should be avoided.

Spinach and beet tops - Can cause urinary tract problems and stones due to high levels of oxalates.

One really basic rule, if your not sure if a food is healthy for your rat or not is: If its not healthy for you, or has a chance of making you sick, than its not healthy for your rat. Otherwise, if you're not sure, ask me in the comment box.


Anonymous said...

I read on another site that chocolate isnt poisons to rats.
(it make them fat thou)

Rat Man said...

It's kind of like how some people think chocolate is poisonous to dogs, while others think it isn't. Also, caffein is bad for humans, so it's bad for rats. Basically, chocolate is bad and unhealthy for rats, and you shouldn't give your rats chocolate.

Anonymous said...

thanks for info it has really helped me cos i am getting 2 rats but want to know as much as i can about them first;)

Anonymous said...

Ok, so for Christmas, I am gonna hopefully get a pet rat. What is the best way to get it used to me? What do I feed it? What are some good beginner tricks to teach it?

Anonymous said...

Ok, so for Christmas, I am gonna hopefully get a pet rat. What is the best way to get it used to me? What do I feed it? What are some good beginner tricks to teach it?

If you don't think rats are necessarily the pet you are looking for, but want a pet similar to a rat, I would look into a chinchilla. This link is great for the history of chinchillas, and is really interesting.

Have any questions or comments? Email me at ratmanbv@gmail.com
